Prepare to Scare! Haunted Houses in Colorado Hiring for the 2016 Halloween Season
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August 24, 2016 By Chelsea T.

We are scary-close to the Halloween Season and Haunted Attractions all across Colorado are working hard to achieve a successful 2016 season. While preparing a terrifying haunt for their thrill-seeking visitors, employees are needed to assure all goes smoothly.
There are a variety of open positions that are waiting to be filled, ranging from scare actors who have the opportunity to get face to face with visitors, to behind the scenes workers including makeup artists, security guards, parking lot attendants, cashiers, concession workers and more. If you're interested in joining a haunt family for the 2016 Halloween Season, take a look at the list of local Haunted Attractions below and reach out today!
13th Floor Haunted House
4120 Brighton Blvd., Denver, CO 80216
Asylum Haunted House
6100 E. 39th Ave., Denver, CO 80207
Note: Must be 16 years or older to apply.
City of the Dead
7007 E. 88th Ave., Henderson, CO 80640
Ghouls Gulch
3910 Palmer Park Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO 80909
719-445-1825 | info@
Haunted Field of Screams
E. 104th Ave. & Riverdale Rd., Thornton, CO 80233
Note: Actors under 18 must return a signed waiver.
Project Dead Zone
8500 W. Deer Creek Canyon Rd., Littleton, CO 80128
Note: Must be 16 years or older to apply.
Is Your Haunt Hiring for 2016? Let Us Know!
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